Wild flower

Found this on the side of my house in a wood patch, it is definitely out of place. But it…

Bird of prey

  Saw this guy hanging out in my front yard shot him with my Nikon d5600. He was hunting, they…

World Wildlife day

So for world wildlife day I am posting this picture of a huuuuge kitty thinking it’s nap time  

Moon magic

  Tonight’s full moon is the last of the winter season this winter. Wish this would have gotten a little…


  It is super hard to sneak up on a dragon fly, but I did it, shot with my Nikon…

Crystal healing

The power of crystals have been used all thru time to help heal and cleanse. This is a picture of…

Hold the mushrooms

This wild fungus had to be contained because it was partying to much. It’s always nice to see big mushrooms…

The next Ansel Adams

One day i wish I could be remotely as good as Ansel Adams, he was a huge inspiration to my…

Combat butterfly

This butterfly looks like it has stared death in the face and escaped deaths clutches leaving this butterfly fly wounded,…


This looks like one happy elephant, shot with Nikon d3100.

Baby birds

Look at these cute lil birds. I put a filter and diffuser on my flash so I didn’t damage those…

Squirrel recon

So this squirrel looked like he was about to pounce to get some of my popcorn.

Timon from the lion king

I found him! Timon from the lion king was just hanging out waiting for pumbaa. Caught this amazing shot without…

Florida Gator

  One thing I love living in Florida, can snap shots of these gentle giants at any time at almost…

Yellow orchid

The amazing colors of this orchid I had to immortalize it forever with this stunning closeup.


So this waterfall is at a very unlikely place, my local gun store. It was a very bright Florida day,…

Parrot life

I love parrots! I captured this picture at Busch gardens in Tampa fl! It was so amazing because after this…

Just in time for Vday

took this close up of one of the roses I bought my wife for being the best wife ever. I…

Florida sunset

This was to good of a scene to pass up shooting. The only thing prettier than this amazing sunset is…

Florida Gopher Tortoise

so was out shooting some shots in my city off the beaten path, and this guy was curious about what…

Fair ride

So this photo was at the same fair as the award winner. I slowed the shutter speed even more than…